Saturday, December 19, 2009


December 19, 2009

The word corruption is an adjective of Corrupt. This has its origin in the 14th century and derivation from Latin. corruptus, past participle of corrumpere.
1. immoral or dishonest: immoral or dishonest, especially as shown by the exploitation of a position of power or trust for personal gain

2. Depraved: Extremely immoral or depraved

3. Corrupt containing errors: describes computer data or software that is unusable or unreliable because of the presence of errors that have been introduced unintentionally
corrupt computers file

4. Containing copying errors: containing undesirable changes in meaning or errors made in copying
a corrupt transcription of the manuscript

5. Contaminated: contaminated or tainted by something else ( archaic )

6. Rotten: putrid or decomposing ( archaic )


The history of corruption is as old as history of reform. Corruption has been prevalent in all societies and if it has broken down the established civilization on some instances it has also given rise to few. There is always a beneficiary of corruption and in most of the occasions it’s the evil forces which have supervened because of which. Morality is always broken down by the corruption.
In Islamic history its roots were always present from the inception of Islam . After declaration of prophet hood by Muhammad (SAW), the Quereshis did their best not only to bribe him but also his followers to derail them from the path of Islam., but to no avail. Despite their poverty and social status they lost due to embracing Islam they cannot be made to move an inch from their firm grounds. If we only attribute it to aid from God Almighty, it will be a act which will take away the credit from them of the determination they displayed. Even if we say that it was possible because of God’s help, the help of the God came to them only after they displayed extreme degree of dedication and self resilience. They suffered pain, hunger, social boycott, and every physical and spiritual torture one can imagine but not yield to any bribe or attraction. The Muslim followers of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in historical perspective for the seculars, were not as fortunate as the followers of Moses (EUS), which were given treats of food and good living to get attracted towards the faith. The followers of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), were clearly told that you will have to bear the difficulties when you will move on the right tract and they were told clearly as well that you will get peace only after you have gone through the difficulties. This explains the practical spirit of Islam as a religion. There is no other way in Islam , less the hard way.
The Arabic word “Taqwa” explains the plan for evading corruption. When Hazrat Ali (RZT) was asked ; “ what is TAQWA” His answer was straight and comprehensive; “ Taqwa is like passing through this life saving your self, as when you pass through pickled bush saving your over all” Islam demands that the way CCTV camera watch you in bank and at ATM outlets and on major places in society , similarly through a CCTV camera like arrangement you are been watched by Allah. God watches you ,each one of us because He has appointed each one of us as His second in command on Earth. The report however is different for each assistant of Allah, basing upon the responsibilities bestowed upon His assistant. This means a different report will be prepared for Asif Ali Zardari and a different one for nathoo Tangay wala. But both are accountable and both are watched. This is the basis which a Muslim believes in to avoid corruption

But it is not the need of Muslims only to avoid corruption. It is the need of mankind. When the British Empire got so extensive that the sun never use to set on its dominion. They devised a picture of their king, looking in anger and dressed as a satin and hung it in every office of their off shore colonies. Thus reminding every official that the king is looking upon, just the same way the Allah looks upon the Muslims.. But still due to obvious reasons the British officials were the worst in undertaking corruption despite that picture. It’s a question marked for us , the Muslims, to ponder that we have taken Allah just the way those Britons use to take the picture of their king hanging on the wall . Perhaps this is the reason, that we still commit corruption despite hearing Azan heard five times a day, offering Namaz five times a day, fasting 30 days in a year. We need to ponder what is the different between us the present Muslims and those who were in the era of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) ,the names of those die hard few we know and of many we do not who got teareda part because of being Muslim , but accepted no incentive to give away Islam .

After facing the corruption of a non Islamic society in Mecca the Muslims faced for the first time corruption amongst themselves, as the state of Madina was incepted. Abdullah bin Abi was the stalwart businessman of city of Yasrub and was deeply influenced by the Jewish belief as he was having extensive business with them. With the arrival of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) all class system was abolished in Medina, the by gone Yasrub and Abdullah Bin Abi’s monopoly was destroyed. Following the popular public movement he had no option but also to embrace Islam from outside but from inside he still was what he was. A greedy trader whose interests were taken over by a system which took away his monetary control from over the city of Yasrub,, now Medina. So he was the first an apparent Muslim to commit and undertake corruption in Islam. His strength was significant which we can judge by the fact that when Muhammad (SAW) with 1000 Muslims left Medina to fight War of Uhad, Abdullah Bbin Abi left the Prophet (SAW) in way with 300 of his men. So we can judge the rate of corruption even in those day of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was 30 % prevalent in the Muslim society of Medina. But that 30 % was insignificantly because 70 % of the persons of that society were die hard Muslims. If we compare today I do not believe that we have even 5 percent of die hard Muslims in this society of 18 million and hence our present state.
The modern Muslims because of obvious reasons do not have any institutions to measure corruption in their societies. The only organized and trust worthy organization to undertake this task in the present era is TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL. if we just peep at the list issued by TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL in relation to corruption
and note apart from noting the rank of Pakistan, the FIRST 21 LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES ARE NON MUSLIMS. The first Muslim country which appears on the list is at serial 22, which is QATAR, the next Muslim country is at serial 30, THE UAE, followed by OMAN at 39, MAURITIUS at 42, BAHRAIN at 46, MALYASIA at 56, TURKY at 61, KAS at 63, TUNISIA at 65, KUWAIT at 66, MALDIVES & MOROCCO at 89, ALBANIA at 95 and all other Muslim countries beyond 100. India our worst of enemies is at 84. And Pakistan is at 139, out of 180 countries and the worst corrupt country in the world is unfortunately as well a Muslim country SOMALIA, at 180th number.
What does this suggests? Even if Transparency international is biased towards us and we still just look at the list and observe the Muslim countries in the list above the serial 100, and those beyond 100 to compare the GDP ,we will realize that how wrong we are in discrediting the report of TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL , out rightly which we do so often just on the pretext that it’s a NON MUSLIM organization. . The problem with us is, we cannot keep a critical eye upon ourselves, but if some one points towards our folly we make no hesitation in declaring them ZIONIST and anti Islamic not probing into what has been pointed out. We have never realized that how come the European media can print insulting cartoon in respect of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) so often ? It’s simply because they see Prophet Muhammad (SAW) through us. And we instead of making an attempt to improve ourselves by becoming true followers of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) shout slogans and make groups on face book to ban the Europeans and destroy our own property on ground to further compound our injury.

Coming back to Pakistan, which was a country acquired for the Muslims to thrive in Islamic social and economical environment. The declaration made by Allama Iqbal when heading the meeting of All India Muslim League at Luikhnow in 1930 , the letters he wrote to Jinnah sahib, and the Speeches of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah to the first constituent assembly of Pakistan on August 11 1947, and on the eve of inauguration of State Bank of Pakistan on July 1st 1948 clearly depicts that fact. The creation of Pakistan was the glory of Muslims of India, however the present state of Pakistan is the failure of Muslims of Pakistan in general to create a society where they not only by themselves but also with the brethren of all other religion could have live in progress and peace. The foremost reason of this failure is, is the failure to avoid, what the Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah warned in his first speech to the first constituent assembly of Pakistan, when he mentioned about the maintenance of law and order and rule of law, curse of bribery, nepotism, jobbery and black marketing. We followed or we were allowed to follow the path contrary to what suggested by the founder of Pakistan and as well by the founder of Islam. Obviously The Quaid e Azam was not talking anything different from what his prophet Muhammad (SAW) preached and practiced.

Today there are many words around which suggest us to go back to our basis. But which basis we are talking about. Shia or sunni, Devbandi or Brevlvi , Wahabi or Ahl e Hadess. This is the worst corruption the Islam has suffered. Quaid e Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the same speech of forst constituent assembly of Pakistan warned about our division in various beliefs and ethnicities following the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as he did in his last sermon of the Haj . We have forgotten that the only way of Islam is that of Muhammad not of the interpreters which have divided Islam unabatedly. The way of Muhammad is hard but very simple. The way of Muhammad (SAW) unifies Muslim . If we trace back the roots of corruption in Islamic its always been about defying Muhammad (SAW) and if we are ready to fight this Jihad against corruption we must unify on Prophet Muhammad(SAW) . It does not matter if we are shia, sunni devbandi opr brevli wahabi or Ahl e Hadess we all are followers of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and we must do what Muhammad (SAW) did and took all the adversaries upon him for us .

Pakistan is the state for Muslims. It’s the duty of Muslims of Pakistan to follow Islam the right path. We should not be ashamed of getting acclaimed by the non Muslims as righteous. Our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) when not declared Prophet lived in the corrupted society of Queresh till the age of 40 years and it was not Muslims who declared him SIDIQ AND AMIN. It was the kafirs of Queresh who labeled him as such and even when they stood up against his divine cause never declared him NON SIDIQ AND NON AMIN . Therefore our first aim e in our chores of daily life should be to show SADAQAT AND AMANAT .( TRUTHFULNESSAND CUSTODIANSHIP) The people whom we deal with must trust our integrity and respect us because we are good humans and this only will make us good Muslims at the same. We have tried to become Muslims thinking we will become good humans automatically but it has not happened for us . Now lets try to be good Humans so we can become good Muslims as well. Lets Try it Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) way………………

This is the first step to enter in this Jihad against corruption ……

Wish you all the best and good luck all you do

Pakistan Zindabad

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